What would Jesus do for a Klondike Bar?

I am a recent Cabrini College graduate who had been accepted into the Cabrini Mission Corps. I was asked to leave on August 13th, and my life was thrown into chaos. What was supposed to be my journey of the year of service is now a journey of figuring out how I fit in the big scheme of things and my job as a high school teacher and cmapus minister.

Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Carnivals and Kites

I can’t for the life of me figure out how to post date this entry so it’s date should be july 4th I think.

Carnivals and kites never cease to amaze me. While attending to either joyous celebration you get to put aside the adult responsibility of the day and shoulder a lighter burden. I get to be transported to a place where the decisions consist of the gravitron or the sizzler next. The only work to be had is catching the wind or following gravity in circles on the tilt-a-whirl. Such simple things, yet to me very important because it is truly a stress reliever and safety net that becomes so necessary. I started working 4 days a week 8 hour days, commuting to and form said work and that has been nothing shdort of exhausting and tedious at times. Nothing like some good old fun with the dearest of friends however to brighten the prospects. The wedding is coming up and I eagerly anticipate the joys to come out of this event in my family’s life.


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