What would Jesus do for a Klondike Bar?

I am a recent Cabrini College graduate who had been accepted into the Cabrini Mission Corps. I was asked to leave on August 13th, and my life was thrown into chaos. What was supposed to be my journey of the year of service is now a journey of figuring out how I fit in the big scheme of things and my job as a high school teacher and cmapus minister.

Location: Doylestown, Pennsylvania, United States

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 08:19:56 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Goodbyes
If you’ve ever seen the last episode/movie of M*AS*H you realize the significant good byes the characters made to each other. The one person who refused to say goodbye was BJ Hunnicut to Hawkeye. Hawkeye was going back to Crab Apple Cove Main and BJ was going back to San Francisco. BJ refused to admit that he would probably never see Hawkeye because of the distance and the way their lives were going to change.
Long story short, I’ve never been good at goodbyes, and in this case they are not necessary. I am not saying farewell forever, it’s only a year. And my close friends know about my lack of communication skills. I hope to be forgiven my indiscretions about returning letters, calls and e-mails. I have made a conscious effort to become a better writer and speaker. Things need to be shared with you my dearest friends and I will work on being there for you though it may be a distance.
My journey is about to begin and I am at the starting line ready for the go. Thanks for being my cheering crowd in spite of it all. I want to be a better person when I come back to Philly next year; I need to learn about myself. Denver will let me help their community and hopefully let me know if this church is one I can work in.


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