My Mom
My mom had a mini-stroke last night. she's apparently ok and will be released from the hosital later today. my idiot of a father didn't tell me until I was already on the road for 3 hours. I don't know when he took her last night, but he didn't tell me until 8am this morning. I right this while sitting on the New York Thruway aout a half hour outside of Buffalo where I am stuck for the next 4 days rather then with my mom. I know, there is very little I can do for her anyway. I know, she is ok. I know, I'm just angry that I can't do anything for her and taking it out on my dad. No really, he is a selfish jerk who problly got home and went to bed rather then speak to his children about their mother. I know, my first instinct of getting to buffalo, renting a car, driving back to doylestown would have only gotten my mom mad at me. You see, My mom was born in Albany, but she was adopted to Buffalo. This is her "hometown," how's that for Irish Irony?
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